Just going to put up a few images here, since there's several days of stuff to go through, and some images will need work for exposure colour and density, but here's another little taste of some of the images from my ancestral home...

NB: If you are familiar with Edinburgh and see any factual errors, please let me know. I have a good memory, it's sometimes just very short and would much rather be gently corrected than go about looking like a jack-ass.
St. Giles' Church - lacking a normal, pointy spire, the top is purported to be fashioned after James the IV/II's crown.
A nice view of Edinburgh from Castle Hill.
View from Princes' Street.
Preparation for the post-wedding festivities at St. Andrews' of Leytonstone, London.
Nile and Kathryn - immediately post-nuptials.
King's Cross Station - London.
The windy and steep(ish) stairs up to the flat where I was staying. I cursed them on a daily basis.
Some gentlemen taking a stroll through the Royal Botanic Gardens
Also at the RBG
Also at the RBG
Passing Edinburgh Castle on the Historic Bus Tour. Topographically, they had a definite advantage - and this isn't even the REALLY steep side. That did NOT dissuade some from attacking... SUCCESSFULLY at that!
That title will seem inaccurate based on the image I'm about to post - but I am back at home finally. I loved Scotland and Edinburgh. Perhaps in some sort of ancestral/historic manner, people thought I fit in because hilariously, I had someone ask me for directions, not once, but twice.

This is a real fast one today, but this image will be the first of many that I will likely be posting in the next while. At the moment though, it's like 4 am as far as my body is concerned... so I'm going to bed.
Edinburgh - by the National Gallery above the Princes' street gardens.
Dramatic as this sky was, it was nothing compared to the dreamscape I visited last night... Hellscape more like... Tornadoes, people. Tornadoes that would have obliterated the house, Dorothy, Toto, and half of the land of Oz.

So instead I'm going to try to focus on this picture of my baby... Buster! Though I miss him already and I haven't even left the country yet. In the meantime, if you have a moment and the inclination, please send good vibrations people. I could certainly use them. Thanks.
How could you not love a face like this?
Well, after a couple weeks of very warm weather for Regina (and I think pretty much the whole province of Saskatchewan?) the temperature has finally cooled down. When I was leaving this morning I noticed that the slight cold snap has turned several leaves yellow. It's coming people!

And while I'm excited for fall (it's my favourite season) I really hope I'm not going to miss the prime autumn colours outside as I'll be out of the country for awhile. At any rate, it got me thinking about landscapes from the last year.
Took a road trip to Lumsden one evening. This summer there's been a lot of haze in the air, lots of dust and smoke... but it does help make things really pretty at the right time of day...
Last summer I headed to Toronto for a couple of weddings I was attending and decided that since I'd never been, I would make a side-trip in the week between weddings to Ottawa. My friend Brooklyn happened to be working there for the summer, so I stayed with her and did the tourist thing during the day while she worked on/near the hill.

Recently, due to a problem with my computer, in a cruel irony (if you believe in fate or God or that sort of thing) as I was trying to back up my trip photos, the original photos ended up getting magicked away. If nothing else, at least I had posted some of them on my Facebook page, so at least I have those. But apart from that, 80% of my photos from the Museum of Civilization are gone. Quite upsetting as the skies were, as you can see, quite dramatic that day. But again, I'm trying to see the silver lining, in that at least I have SOMETHING to remember them.

Also, I feel I should share the shit out of them so that they're out there from now on.

Or at least, in almost a year. Because I want to get a few images and posts up for people to look at/read in the first little while as I get this set up, I thought I'd post some of my favourite land/cityscapes from the last year.